#1 enabler for life & leadership success; Self Leadership.

Ready to tap into everything that makes you spectacular, & make huge, needle-moving, game-changing moves in your life & leadership?! 

Coaching for self aware, women leaders.

Are you ready to create the life you want?! 

The research is in. Self leadership IS the most important leadership & life skill!

Why? Because we, as human beings, bring ourSELF to every opportunity, situation, thought, crisis, relationship & goal we have. 

For too long, we have focused on leadership as being about OTHERS. History and research show that progress & success comes from mastering OURSELVES. For this reason, I created an exciting new program called FOURwards!

FOURwards! is a self leadership (personal mastery) program; focusing on the four PROVEN enablers (or wards) of transformation & success;

#Self awareness

#Compassionate acceptance

#Growth mindset

#High-performance habits.

Can you imagine how it would feel to..?

Know exactly who you are, what you stand for & WHY you are here with absolute certainty & excitement.

•Love, like, accept & APPRECIATE yourself in every single moment; the good, bad, ugly (& everything in between!).

•Set big juicy GOALS that light your SOUL on fire & have you looking forward to working toward them every single day.

•KNOW that you can handle anything (& anyone) that life throws at you without getting knocked off course.

• Communicate CONFIDENTLY building trust, credibility & creating meaningful, supportive relationships.

•Take MASSIVE ACTION toward your goals without being held back by fear of rejection & failure.

•Consistently SHOW UP as your authentic self & stand firm in your purpose, values, boundaries, & joy.

I see you! I know that you have been trying to create this for yourself for years!

I know for CERTAIN that you DO imagine this life; & that you have been trying to create it forever! 

I know that you have had some great successes & that there are also times when it all feels utterly overwhelming & exhausting. 

Surely it shouldn’t be this hard?! 

The good news is it doesn’t have to be!  I can help.

Hi I'm Jo Knight Dutkewich!

I've helped professionals, businesses & senior leaders like you to get out of their own way & generate massive success for over 23 years; & this program takes it to the next level!

I know from experience that progress doesn't happen in a straight line (have you seen the logo!?). And that the traditional approach of focusing on mindset OR habits OR self awareness doesn't cut it; & simply accepting the situation is a recipe for stagnation. 

Real, sustainable transformation requires all 4 wards of personal mastery! 

This is why I created this new program. I use a unique combination of world class improvement strategies, human behavior and neurolinguistics to create game changing results for individuals & businesses alike.

Progress & growth is a basic human need. It is as fundamental to our survival as water, food, sleep, connection & shelter. It is also difficult & scary! 

My clients call me their “safe harbor." Because when we challenge our thoughts, beliefs, feelings & work on “impossible” goals we do it from a place of fierce kindness. 

Fierce kindness does not let us of the hook; it holds us to account! 

It is the tipping point for getting out of our own way & helping others to do the same. 

Come join us!


Tonia, Managing Partner

Business owners like Tonia can testify to the gains they were able to make..

"Jo is amazing!  Super professional, always focused and with a calming,  friendly manner.  Our business is now better focused, better structured and more responsive due to her

She has great communication skills and is a pleasure to work with.  Her services are certainly excellent value for money too!”

Micheal, Personal Mastery expert & business owner.

Business owner Micheal speaks to Jo's abilities..

“I could not more strongly recommend Jo! She is great to work with and will never let you down. 

She combines toughness with compassion to enable the people she works with to grow and improve at a personal level alongside transformation in their business performance.”

What does FOURwards! coaching give you that other programs don’t?

•Tools that help you gain a deeper understanding of what makes you, you; what drains & recharges your soul battery, how you process information, how you make decisions & your preferred ways of being.

•How to prioritize & practice fierce kindness, self-acceptance & self-compassion regardless of the circumstances.

•Ways to identify & change the deep held, subconscious & limiting belief systems that are producing your experiences & results.            

•Tools that you can use to identify your feelings & emotions, feel them, hear what they are trying to tell you & let them go!

•Ways to ensure that our basic human need for growth is fulfilled in a way that is in alignment to our values, purpose, and goals.

•The habits that highly effective people leverage to create & live their best life on their own terms.

•How to build trust and credibility in your communications & relationships.

•How to recognize when you are in your own darn way & how to get out of it with love and compassion!